As jy wil aansluit by ons in SAVA, vul gerus die aansoekvorm op die Tuisblad.
If you would like to join us at SAVA, add your details to the membership form on the Home page.
Dis 'n eer van die hoogste vlak om die woorde en komplimente onder, van Generaal Jannie Geldenhuys oor die webwerf te ontvang. Ek het sy pragtige boek, "Ons was daar" op die blad geadverteer vir enige iemand wat dit wil koop, bestel vir julle deur die besonderhede onder die skakels...
It is an honour of the highest order to have received these very kind words below from General Jannie Geldenhuys with regards to this website. I have advertised the General's book , "We were there", on the site, so please feel free to make contact at the email address supplied in the advert and place your orders for a truly historic military masterpiece... |

Genl. Jannie Geldenhuys

"Dear Bruce, 14 Jan 2012
While I gather that you are well and extremely busy, and having had an overall look at your immaculate website www.sadf.info, I simply have to tell you how impressed I am.
I am also delightfully surprised at how professionally you have accommodated the entire SADF in your vast historical archive. However, that is not where it all ends, but includes Rhodesia, the SWATF, Communism and the like – a website such as I have never come across before. I salute you!
I have no doubt that your advert will make a tremendous impact on exposing the book overseas. Many of the authors who contributed to the book were national servicemen like you (Jan 1983-Dec 1984) who gave the SADF its fantastic worldwide reputation.
I have recently experienced that many people refer to “We Were There” simply as “The Book”, and I have no doubt that as time goes by, your “sadf.info” will become known as “The Strachan Website” – the world class leading authority on the SADF.
With kind wishes

Genl. Jannie Geldenhuys"
(Voormalige Hoof van die Suid Afrikaanse Weermag - Former Chief of the South African Defence Force) | |
New Book Releases
Lys van Operasies van die Suid-Afrikaanse Grensoorlog - List of Operations of the South African Border War
*Belangrik / Important Notice* |
There is a SCAM Veterans Pension notification doing the rounds. Click here for details / besonderhede. |
SAW Private Projek - SADF Private Project
This website is a compilation of information to do with the military endeavours of the previous white regime of South Africa and the South West African Territorial Forces in the struggle against encroaching Communism in Southern Africa. It is a history of events over this period and is not meant as a political web site or platform and we accept no responsibiliy for any actions by persons who read the contents of this site, as it is beyond our control. The old South African flag formed part of the historic military flags and appeared in the top left corner of each flag as in this one above and the respective Army, Airforce, Navy and South African Medical Services and South African Police flags. We have used these official flags of the day as respective "front pages" for each SADF section and continued with this theme throughout this website. Feel free to email any comments at any time to defence@sadf.info.
The SADF, contrary to what the foreign media would have the world believe, comprised of many "Volunteer" black units, mostly infantry. There was a good racial mix of soldiers, whites, coloured, Indians, and blacks, fighting under one flag against communism. It was simply not just white soldiers from an "apartheid army" fighting black soldiers in other African states, that is an absolute untruth perpetuated by the foreign media, which can easily be disproven, conclusively... |
This website is a private project and not connected to the SANDF. We do not have anything to do with recruitment for the SANDF, so all recruitment enquiries must be directed to the SANDF below and not through this website. For Forces Personnel searches see below: |
Dokumentasie Sentrum van die SANW, Schweikerdt-gebou, Visagiestraat, Pretoria
Posadres: P/sak X289, Pta. 0001.
Tel: 012-355-3094/9111. Faks: 012-323-5613. |
Documentation Center SANDF Schweikerdt Building Visagie Street Pretoria
Postal Address Private Bag X289 Pretoria 0001
Tel: 012-355-3094/9111. Fax: 012-323-5613 |
Hulle sal jou navraag beantwoord of dalk na die Personeelargief verwys. Laasgenoemde se tel: 012-322-6350, as jy hulle eerder wil nader. They might answer your question or refer you to the Personnell Archives at 012-322-6350
Om jou medaljes op te eis waarop jy geregtig is / to get issued with your medals that you are entitled to , kontak Mev Engelbrecht by die "SEREMONIAL & MILITARY , MUSIC , HONOURS & AWARDS" - Tel: 012-392-3087. or you can email W/O Anderson on ceremonial@telkomsa.net . KRY WAT JOU TOEKOM / GET WHAT YOU EARNED !!!! |
At the height of white power, the total number of whites on the African continent never exceeded 6.5 million. 90% of whites in Africa lived in South Africa. In Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, a mere 250,000 white people, less than that of a town in Europe, lived in a country the size of France and ruled over 6 million blacks for 90 years. It took world sanctions, embargoes from America and Europe and a 14 year war sponsored by Russia, China and the West to break the white government in Rhodesia and soon after Robert Mugabe took over power, he proceeded to murder, with the infamous Fifth Brigade, 20 to 30 thousand Ndebele (Matabele) tribesfolk who voted for the opposition party and has ruled Zimbabwe in a tyrannical fashion ever since. For some still unknown reason, the Queen awarded him an OBE a few years after this. The reasons for this award, in light of what he had done, have never been explained. This was an ominous pre-curser of things to come for South Africa.
At the end of WWII the black population stood at 20 million with the white population at around 3 million. Whites raised blacks life expectancy by 30 years, the same as that of whites. This was the only country in the history of Africa to be classified as a First World Nation. It is easily shown that there was progress, tremendous GDP growth, peace and food was abundant. The nationalist white government built schools for them, gave them their own countries (TBVC States) and assisted them to run them. Excellent medical facilities, health care and hospitals were provided free of charge, like the largest hospital built in the Southern Hemisphere the world famous Baragwanath Hospital for the exclusive use of black people, amongst others, were built and provided for the black population of SA. Also, the standard of education provided by the white regime to black people was of a much higher standard than it is now and it was free. The result was that by 1980 the black population exploded and stood at 35 million. By 1990 their numbers were 40 million and that of the whites 5 million.
During white rule, both Rhodesia and South Africa, which were known as the bread baskets of Africa, exported massive amounts of every conceivable kind of surplus food, but sadly since these white governments were toppled by the West in order to secure maximum mineral rights, the biggest collapse of agriculture in the history of Africa has resulted. Out of 120 000 commercial farmers in 1994, there are only 37 000 left and SA is having to import maize and other crops as it is cheaper than producing it themselves. Also the unprecedented criminal attacks on all Christian farmers has had a massive detrimental effect. All this, due to excessive and racist AA and BEE practices which have ruined the industry, driving valuable, experienced white Christian farmers out of the country.
The average life expectancy, under the apartheid regime, was 65 years for South African citizens of all races. The average life expectancy currently, under the ANC regime, is 53 years for South African citizens of all races, a drop of 12 years since the apartheid regime was in power. Virtually everything that former President P. W. Botha warned would happen has come to pass. Ironically, the disastrous situation in which South Africa finds itself today was exactly what the SADF and SWATF acted to prevent in combating Communism with multi-racial forces, in this Southern African theatre of war.
Skakels - Links
Bulala - by Cuan Elgin (A True history of South Africa)
Apartheid State - by Rev Christo Heiberg (Cananda)
Battle of Cuito Cuanavale
"If defeat for South Africa meant the loss of 31 men, three tanks, five armoured vehicles and three aircraft, then we'd lost. If victory for FAPLA and the Cubans meant the loss of 4600 men, 94 tanks, 100 armoured vehicles, 9 aircraft and other Soviet equipment valued at more than a billion rand, then they'd won."
(Colonel Dean Ferreira, CDR SADF in Angola, Paratus (SADF Magazine), March, 1989, p.14.)
Click here for Operations...

Bibliography: Some of the images and text appearing in this website , presently or in the future, are sourced from the following books:
Source: South African Military Buildings - Paul Alberts Souce: The South African Air Force Poster Book - Herman Potgieter Source: Aircraft of the South African Air Force - Herman Potgieter & Willem Steenkamp
Source: The Eagles of Zwartkop - Dave Becker Souce: South African War Machine - Helmoed Romer Heitman Souce: Images of War - Peter Badcock Source: Like the Wind - Siegfried Stander Source: Africas Super Power - Paul L Moorcroft
Source: South African Defence Force Review Source: South African Defence Force Review 1990 Source: South African Defence Force Review 1991
Artwork Copyright (c) 2007
Bruce Ross Strachan - Legal Notice: