Exerce Perfectioni | |
Waar die songebreide vlaktes langs die Swartberg lewe gee,
Word die vegkuns en karakter in jong leiers saam gesmee...
Kamerade wat sal voorloop wat gevolg word in die stryd...
Harte steeds bereid tot offer, ook die hoogste van die tyd.
Refain "Exerce Perfectioni" Dis jy wat die hoogste verlang!
Infanterieskool, ons onthou jou solank as die suiderkrans hang!
Vreugdevol en vrugbaar ure, 'Wyl 'n volk sy lend'ne gord,
Koel beraad en dood'lik daadkrag, in 'n vryheidspoging stort.
Wee die vyand wat sy oog rig, op ons duurgekoopte land...
Ons sal opruk met die wapen, onder leiding van Sy hand!
Onder son en sterrenagte, bly ons wagters op die grens.
Volg die vlugspoor, maai die vyand, met die dood se seker sens!
Suidland, jou beskerm, bewaak ons, met ons kunde en ons krag.
Veg ons om behoud, oorlewing, tot die blye vredesdag!
Where the sun-bathed heights of Swartberg guard the wide and fertile plain,
You are training future leaders for our army's might and main ...
Men of character and courage in a bold, heroic team ...
Gallant warriors ever ready for the sacrifice supreme.
Refain "Exerce Perfectioni" Your motto perfection enshrines!
School of heroes, you'll inspire us as long as the southern cross shines!
Happy training while our peoples gird their loins courageously,
With a cool determination to defend their liberty.
And the enemy who converts our beloved fatherland,
Will be met by all our forces guided by his almighty hand!
On the sun and starlit border galant comrades hold their breath,
And destroy the fleeing en'my with the flaming sword of death!
Fatherland, we proudly serve you with our knowledge and our power,
In the battle for survival till the day when peace shall flower!