1 Parachute Battalion - PT Training
Parachute PT training was particularly harsh and was certainly not for pussies. These units set the standard and after such rigorous training the men were incredibly fit. These pictures below, specifically for 1 Parachute Battalion, was the standard of harsh PT and was pretty much consistent across the other parachute battalions. It is a good reflection of what these manne had to endure in this heavy duty training. Truly men amongst men after successful completion of these tough courses...a new meaning to the all too familiar words "afkak, opvok en vasbyt"... |
Non Object PT
Pushups... |
Pushups... |
Dodge those bullets... |
Dodge those bullets... |
Torn trousers? Gaan maar aan... |
Pole PT
Hou hom hoog... |
Gets really heavy after an hour... |
All together now , LIFT...! |
Too many situps... |
Onderste bo pushups... |
Run those poles, troepe...! |
Man up the pole... |
'n Bietjie swaar na 'n uur of so... |
Concrete Block (Marble) PT
Laat val en jou neus is plat... |
After 300 lifts, "...ek kan nie meer nie...!" |
Heavy duty situps... |
Run those marbles, manne...! |
Lift high, higher...! |
Hou hom so, net vir nog 'n uur...! |
Take the pain...! |
Jy hou hom verkeerd...! |
Hy is nog nie hoog genoeg nie, lig hom manne...! |
A situp too far... |
Hoe kan 'n mens so hardloop...? |
Reach for the stars... |
Regtig opgevok en moeg, uitgeput... |
Your "maatjie" empathises... |
Hou hom halfmars, hou hom...! |
No pain , no gain... |
Instruktuur lyk gemaklik gedra... |
Rifle PT
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Gets a liitle bit too heavy after holding for an hour... |
Hold it there, hold it...!! |
Hoog hou geweer, reg bo...! |
Dra jou maatjie...! |
Spin those rifles...! |
Hold those rifles... |
Die sweet loop af... |
Two gun Charlie... |
Hold it for another hour... |
Jislaaik, maar die gewere is swaar... |
I can't lift it anymore... |
Rifle situps... |
Rifle situps... |
Pain... |
Situps in a mud puddle... |
Staan regop, julle vokke hoenderpoesse...!!! |
Moenie vir my loer nie, ek is nie 'n hoer nie...!! |
Maak hierdie pas... |
Julle beter te lyke tyd begin te werk troepe...!! |
Buddy PT
Buddy jump simulations... |
Buddy carrying, fireman style... |
Buddy wheelbarrow PT... |
Buddy dra, 69 style... |
Buddy group wheelbarrow PT... |
Buddy situps off the ground... |
Buddy pushups... |
Buddy carrying full kit, fireman style... |
Situps met 'n swaai... |
Buddy dra, vol kit... |
Somehow easier next to your mate... |
Buddy carrying, fireman's lift... |
Vasbyt en hardloop met hom...!! |
Net 100 meer om te gaan... |
Ek se vok die korporaal...!!! |
Boxing PT
Blok, jou donder...! |
Kry vir jou met 'n regte hoek...! |
Uhh, hummmph! |
Met 'n taai regte hoek...! |
Trailer PT
Stuck in the mud...! |
Verdrinkende rotte... |
Heave Ho... |
Kry jou gat in rat en trek...! |
Puuuuush...! |
Makliker op 'n gelyk pad...! |
Hoekom moet ons in 'n vokke rivier stoot...? |
Moenie swem nie, stoot die vokke ding...! |
Mud bath like a rhino... |
Dis nie 'n vokke boot nie...! |
Troepie drag racing... |
This beats trout fishing...! |
Rope PT
Klim! Moenie tou opgooi nie...! |
Climbing only one hand at a time... |
Tug - o - war PT
Julle is nie trekkers vir niks nie...! |
Heave... |
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Goeie spierkrag vir skrumwerk ook... |
The Wall
Bliksem, dis moelik om die muur oor te klim...! |
It actually gets easier with practice... |
2,4 & 3,2 Runs
3,2 KM run, full kit... |
These boot were made for running... |
Ligter sonder staaldak, webbing en geweer...! |
Net om die hoek... |
Vok my, maar dis ver jong...! |
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Its easier to carry my rifle up side down... |
Koue drinkwater is baie welkom na die 2,4...! |
Rest and Care
Flat on his back... |
Plat op die rug... |
Verdiende ruskansie... |
Medic applies a dressing... |
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Blisters were a big problem... |