SA Spysenierskorps - SA Catering Corps
Inleiding - Introduction
Chef School, Elandsfontein, Pretoria West. This is an aerial view of what is left of this old, derelict camp. Concrete slabs are all that is left
of the prefab bungalows and buildings which were all dismantled in the late eighties when the school was moved to Voortrekkerhoogte.
History and origin of the SA Catering Corps after the Second World War A cookery school was already established at the Zonderwater camp in 1940, but was only moved to Voortrekkerhoogte in 1945. Shortly afterwards it was again moved to Defence Headquarters. By June 1950 catering fell directly under the Administrative and Ordnance Branch of the Military College (today known as the Army College). With the forming of Services School on 2 January 1962, the Catering Branch was placed here and became known as the Cookery Wing. This wing were commanded by Field Cornet (later Maj) P.L.U. Moolman. Services School was also responsible for the training of the Administrative Service Corps (ASC), the Corps of Military Police (SACMP) and the SA Medical Service (SAMS). The SACMP and the SAMS later seceded. The SA Catering Corps was thus coordinated for the first time in 1962 and thereafter a marked improvement in all fields of catering became evident. The courses offered from 1962 to 1970 consisted mainly of the following: * Basic Training. * Chef courses for Permanent Force and Citizen When the Cookery Wing was formed, the training aids and facilities were very restricted and primitive. Consequently there was little interest in joining this wing. In the course of time manuals were compiled and improved and new courses were introduced. These new courses maintained a higher professional standard. In 1966, twenty Permanent Force recruits were trained as trainee chefs. More and more chefs were trained to supply in the demands of the SA Army. By 1966, 353 chefs had been trained in the SA Catering Corps. With the incorporation of the training of Commando, Citizen Force and Permanent Force members as well as national servicemen, the number of trained personnel increased rapidly. In order to gain the necessary professional knowledge, Field Cornet Moolman attended the Young Officers' Catering Course in Oldershot, England, from 7 February to 11 May 1966. In 1968, three further courses were introduced for Permanent Force members, namely: * The Advanced Chef Course. * The Catering Course, and * the Mess Officer's Course. The courses attracted a lot of attention and proved the success of these courses. The same courses were again offered in 1969. The number of students varied from three to 93 per course. A total of 35 Permanent Force recruits were trained that year. The training of national servicemen as chefs still continued on a voluntary basis and there still was a need for the necessary training facilities such as lecture rooms, kitchens and labour saving (kitchen) devices. In 1969, Capt C.F. Venter was appointed as second in command of the Cookery Wing and he also attended the Young Officers' Catering Course in England that same year. WO2 J.B. Hattingh attended the same course the following year. In 1973, Capt C.F. Venter succeeded Maj Moolman as Officer Commanding of the Wing. WO2 Hattingh was promoted to Captain and appointed as second in command. |
Gesdkiedenis en ontstaan van die SA Spysenierskorps na die Tweede Wereld Oorlog 'n Kookkunsskool het reeds in 1940 by die Zonderwaterkamp tot stand gekom, maar is eers in 1945 na Voortrekkerhoogte verskuif. Kort hierna het dit na die Verdedigingshoofkwartier in Pretoria verhuis. Teen Julie 1950 het Spyseniering direk onder die Administrative and Ordnance Branch van die Militere Kollege (wat vandag as die SA Leerkollege bekend is) geressorteer. Met die stigting van Diensvakskool op 2 Januarie 1962, het die Spysenieringstak onder die vleuels van die betrokke skool geval en as die Kookkunsvleuel bekendgestaan. Die vleuel het van 1962 tot 1972 onder die beheer van veldkornet/maj P.L.U. Moolman gestaan. Die Diensvakskool was verder ook verant-woordelik vir opleiding van die Administratiewe Dienskorps (ADK), die SA Korps van Militere Polisie (SAKMP) en die SA Geneeskundige Diens (SAGD). Sedertdien het die SAKMP en die SAGD van Diensvakskool afgestig. Die SA Spysenierskorps is dus vir die eerste keer in 1962 gekoordineer en daarna het 'n verbetering op alle spysenieringsgebiede na vore begin tree. Kursusse wat van 1962 tot 1970 aangebied is, het hoofsaaklik uit die volgende bestaan: *Basiese Opleiding. *Sjefkursusse vir Staandemag- en Burgermaglede. Tydens die stigting van die Kookkunsvleuel was die opleidingshulpmiddels en geriewe bale beperk en primitief. Gevolglik was die belangstelling om by die vleuel aan te shut uiters gering. Met verloop van tyd is handleidings saamgestel en verbeter en nuwe kursusse ingestel. Flierdie nuwe kursusse het 'n hoer professionele standaard teweeggebring sodat daar in 1966 byvoorbeeld twintig staandemagrekrute as leerlingsjefs opgelei is. Al hoe meer sjefs is oplei om aan die behoeftes van die SA Leer te voldoen. Teen 1966 is 353 sjefs in die SA Spysenierskorps opgelei. Met die insluiting van die opleiding van Kommando-, Burgermag- en Staandemaglede sowel as dienspligtiges het die getal opgeleide persone vinnig vermeerder. Om die nodige professionele kermis op te doen, het veldkornet Moolman gedurende 7 Februarie 1966 tot 11 Mei 1966 die Young Officers Catering Course in Oldershot Engeland meegemaak. Daar is ook in 1968 drie verdere kursusse vir Staandemaglede ingestel: *Die Gevorderde Sjefkursus. *Die Spysenierskursus, en *die Menasie Offisierskursus. Bogenoemde kursusse het groot belangstellinguitgelok en het getoon dat die instelling daarvan 'n groot sukses was. Gedurende 1969 is dieselfde kursusse weer aangebied. Die getal studente het vanaf drie tot 93 studente per kursus gewissel. Altesame 35 Staandemagrekrute is gedurende hierdie jaar opgelei. Die opleiding van dienspligtiges as sjefs het nog op 'n vrywillige basis geskied en daar het steeds 'n behoefte bestaan vir die nodige opleidingsfasiliteite soos lesingskamers, kombuise en arbeidsbesparende kombuisuitrusting. In 1969 is kapt C.F. Venter as tweede-in-bevel van die Kookkunsvleuel aangestel en hy het in dieselfde jaar ook die Young Officers Catering Course in Engeland bygewoon. AO2 J.B. Hattingh het gedurende die daaropvolgende jaar die selfde kursus in die buiteland meegemaak. In 1973 het kapt C.F. Venter maj Moolman as vleuel-bevelvoerder opgevolg. AO2 Hattingh is tot kaptein bevorder en het die pos as tweede-in-bevel beklee. |
An army marches on its stomach... |
Hot boxes enable hot meals in the field... |
EXPANSION OF THE SA CATERING CORPS On 1 November 1969 the SA Catering Corps was formed and published in the Government Gazette as a corps in its own right. The SA Catering Corps received its own colour baret (petrol blue) and corps insignia. The silver and gold badge consist of a silver Roman sword flanked on both side by an ear of wheat and a gold coloured flame in the background. The Latin motto is Nutrimus Utanimus Capeateur which means Feed for Courage. The SA Catering Corps has become such an accepted and important part of the Defence Force that the soldiers will not be able to fight without its support. In 1973 it was realised that a supplementary source of manpower will have to be found to ease the acute shortage in the Catering Corps. It was decided to recruit the necessary manpower from the South African Coloured Corps (SACC) which later reverted to its original name, the South African Cape Corps. Initially it was thought that the SACC should act independently in the training of waiters and chefs. As the training facilities were inadequate and there were not enough instructors, instructors of the Services School were used. Courses were also offered at Services School and the SACC's chef instructors could attend courses for waiters at the Hotel School in Cape Town. About ten percent of the SACC recruits were stringently vetted for catering training. The initial training took place in the kitchen for other ranks, but even here the training facilities were inadequate. At the end of 1974 plans were made to convert an existing building into a training center with all the necessary facilities so that the SACC members could have their own training facilities in the Cape. As a result of an acute shortage of training facilities, the Elandsfontein Training Center was used for the first time train chefs. Training of the Permanent Force, Citizen Force and Commando members and national servicemen still took place at Voortrekkerhoogte and the Elandsfontein Training Center until the establishment later of the School of Catering at Elandsfontein. Because of the shortage of caters, it was decided in 1975 to revert to the pre-war practice of training black men in catering. Each ethnic group would, however, use its own caterers exclusively. The incorporation of Coloureds and Blacks in the SA Catering Corps is an indication of the rapid development in the field of food provision and food preparation since 1945. The following statistics show clearly that many members passed the courses offered by the SA Catering Corps: *1968 - 467 members. *1969 - 336 members. *1970 - 493 members. *1972-448 members. *1973 - 509 members. *1974 - 541 members. *1976 - 361 members. The first Junior Leaders Course of the SA Catering Corps started at Services School in 1979. The junior leaders were trained regimentally as well as functionally and gave instruction the following year at the Elandsfontein Training Center. On 7 April 1980 the first course for Junior Leaders started at Elandsfontein. There were 65 candidates who were selected for training as platoon commanders, platoon sergeants and club managers. Services School was disbanded in January 1981 and the School of Catering was established at Elandsfontein. |
UITBREIDING VAN DIE SA SPYSENIERSKORPS Op 1 November 1969 is die SA Spysenierskorps gestig en as 'n volwaardige korps in die Staatskoerant gepromulgeer. Die SA Spysenierskorps het in 1979 sy eie kleur baret (petrolblou) en korpskenteken ontvang. Die silwer- en goudkleurige wapen bestaan uit 'n silwer Romeinse kapmes met 'n koringaar aan weerskante en 'n goudkleurige vlam op die agtergrond. Die Latynse leuse Nutrimus Utanimus Capeateur beteken Voed vir Moed. Die SA Spysenierskorps het so 'n ingeburgerde en belangrike deel van die res van die Weermag geword dat die soldaat nooit weer daarsonder sal kan voortveg nie. Teen 1973 is besef dat 'n aanvullende bron van mannekrag vir die nypende tekort aan Spysenierskorpslede gevind moes word. Daar is besluit om die nodige mannekrag vanuit die Suid-Afrikaanse Kaapse Korps (SAKK) wat op daardie tydstip nog as die Suid-Afrikaanse Kleurlingkorps bekend was, te werf. Aanvanklik was die gedagte dat die SAKK selfstandig moes kon optree in die opleiding van kelners en sjefs. Aangesien opleidingsgeriewe en instrukteurs nie genoegsaam was nie, sou onderrig gedurende kursusse deur 'n instrukteur van Diensvakskool behartig word. Kursusse sou by Diensvakskool aangebied word en SAKK sjef-instrukteurs kon kelnerkursusse by die Hotelskool in Kaapstad bywoon. Ongeveer tien persent van die SAKK kwekelinge sou streng gekeur word vir spyseniersopleiding. Die aanvanklike opleiding sou in die weermanne se kombuis geskied, maar selfs hier het opleidingsgeriewe tekort geskiet. Teen die einde van 1974 is planne beraam om 'n bestaande gebou in 'n opleidingsentrum met al die nodige geriewe te omskep sodat SAKK lede hulle eie opleidingsfasiliteite in die Kaap kon he. As gevolg van 'n nypende tekort aan opleidingsfasiliteite is die Elandsfontein-opleidingsterrein in 1974 vir die eerste keer gebruik vir die opleiding van sjefs. Die opleiding van die Staandemag-, Burger-mag-, Kommandolede en dienspligtiges is steeds te Voortrekkerhoogte en die Elandsfontein-opleidingsterrein aangebied totdat die Spysenierskool op Elandsfontein gestig en gevestig is. Weens die tekort aan spyseniers is daar in 1975 weer eens tot die vooroorlogse stap oorgegaan om swartmans in spyseniering op te lei. Elke etniese groep sou egter uitsluitlik sy eie spyseniers gebruik. Die insluiting van Kleurlinge en Swartes by die SA Spysenierskorps dui op die snelle ontwikkeling van voedselvoorsiening en voorbereiding wat na 1945 ontstaan het. Uit die volgende statistieke blyk dit duidelik dat talle lede die kursusse wat deur die SA Spysenierskorps aangebied word, suksesvol geslaag het: * 1968-467 lede. * 1969 - 336 lede. * 1970 - 493 lede. * 1972-448 lede. * 1973-509 lede. * 1974 - 541 lede. * 1976 - 361 lede. Die eerste Junior Leierskursus van die Spysenierskorps is in 1979 by Diensvakskool aangebied. Die junior leiers is regimenteel asook funksioneel opgelei en sou dan gedurende 1980 by Elandsfontein-opleidingsterrein onderrig gee. Op 7 April 1980 het die eerste Junior Leiers-kursus by Elandsfontein begin. Daar is 65 kan-didate vir die opleiding as pelotonbevelvoerders, pelotonsersante en klubbestuurders gekeur. Die Diensvakskool het in Januarie 1981 ontbind en die Spysenierskool is te Elandsfontein gevestig. |
A typical 250 man, mobile field kitchen, it was gas fired and could produce a full meal for 250 men in just one hour. Highly efficient and self contained field kitchen unit... |
The Mobile Field Kitchen in action... |
FORMATION OF THE SCHOOL OF CATERING The School of Catering was formed in January 1981 at Elandsfontein. The official opening was conducted by Maj Gen F.E.C. van den Berg, the then General Officer Commanding, Northern Transvaal Command. The shoulder flash of the School of Catering was finally approved on 12 February 1982 and the flag of the SA Catering Corps/School of Catering on 1 June 1982. The shoulder flash was worn for the first time on parade on 12 June 1982. At this occasion the flag was also hoisted for the first time. Cmdt J.B. Hattingh was the first Officer Commanding and he was assisted by Major Hougaart, Captain Balentyne and WOI R.S. Schoeman as the first Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM). Both occupied the posts until January 1984. After Cmdt Hattingh, the Officers Commanding were: *Cmdt F.C. Crous (January 1984 - June 1985). *Cmdt EG. Roos (June 1985 - December 1987). *Cmdt W.M. van Tonder (January 1988 - June 1989). WOI Schoeman's successors as RSM at the Catering School were: *WOI Meyer (January 1984 - June 1985), and *WOI J.W. Fourie (June 1985 - December 1987). The current Officer Commanding is Cmdt R. Claassen and the RSM is WOI J. Parker. Project 2000 was approved for the SA Catering Corps and implemented at the end of 1982. In 1983, the post structure and personnel tables with respect to catering posts in the SA Army were reviewed and adjusted. Project Asjus started in 1984 and the implementation of an improved system for providing food in the Army is expected in the near future. The School of Catering functions at the moment as a full-fledged unit with the following staff compartments: *Quartermaster. *Light Workshop and Transport. *Funds and Institutions. *Junior Leader Wing. *Advanced Wing. *Training and Planning center and Research and Development branch. |
STIGTING VAN DIE SPYSENIERSKOOL Die Spysenierskool is in Januarie 1981 op die standplaas Elandsfontein gestig. Die amptelike opening is deur genl maj F.E.C. van den Berg, die destydse bevelvoerende generaal van Kom-mandement Noord-Transvaal, waargeneem. Die Spysenierskool se skouerkenteken is op 12 Februarie 1982 finaal goedgekeur en die Spysenierskorps/-skool se vlag op 1 Junie 1982. Die skouerkenteken is op 12 Junie 1982 vir die eerste keer op parade gedra. Tydens hierdie geleentheid is die vlag ook vir die eerste keer gehys. Kmdt J.B. Hattingh was die eerste bevelvoerder en hy is bygestaan deur Majoor Hougaart, Kaptein Balantyne en AO1 R.S. Schoeman as die Regiment Sersant-majoor' (RSM). Albei het die poste beklee tot Januarie 1984. Na kmdt Hattingh het die volgende persone as bevelvoerders by die Spysenierskool opgetree: *Kmdt F.C. Crous 0anuarie 1984 - Junie 1985). *Kmdt EG. Roos (Junie 1985 - Desember 1987) en *kmdt W.M. van Tonder (Januarie 1988 - Junie Die opvolgers van AO1 Schoeman as RSM by die Spysenierskool was: *AO1 Meyer (Januarie 1984 - Junie 1985) en *AO1 J.W. Fourie (Junie 1985 - Desember 1987). Die huidige bevelvoerder is kmdt R. Claassen en die RSM is AO1 J. Parker. Projek 2000 is aan die einde van 1982 vir die Spysenierskorps goedgekeur en geimplementeer. In 1983 is die postestruktuur en personeeltabelle ten opsigte van spyseniersposte in die SA Leer hersien en aangepas. Projek Asjas het in 1984 in aanvang geneem en die implementering van 'n verbeterde voedingstelsel vir die Leer word in die nabye toekoms beoog. Die Spysenierskool funksioneer tans as 'n volwaardige eenheid met die volgende staf-kompartemente: *Kwartiermeester. *Ligte Werkplaas en Transport. *Fondse en Inrigtings. *Junior Leiervleuel. *Gevorderde Vleuel. *Opleiding en Beplanningsentrum en Navorsing en Ontwikkelingstak. |
Improvisasie met 'n oond wat uit miershoop modder gemaak is... |
Another example of an improvised oven... |
CURRENT TRAINING AT THE SCHOOL OF CATERING With the formation of the School of Catering, training entered a new phase. Currently, training is offered in the following disciplines : *Leader Group Training. *Basic Chef Training (Permanent Force, Citizen *Intermediate Chef Training (Permanent Force, *Advanced Chef Training (Permanent Force, Junior Leader training form an important part of the training offered at the school. After completion of the regimental service phase, specialist chef training follow for a further twelve weeks after which members are transferred to units in the Republic (and until 1989 to the operational area in South West Africa).The course consists mainly of two phases: *During the instruction phase, subjects such as *During the functional phase, the students are All Permanent Force, Citizen Force and Commando members of the four Arms of Service are trained in catering at the School of Catering. Four courses are offered in respect of chef training, namely Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Chef Training. The most senior course offered is the Catering Course which mainly deals with management aspects of catering. A very interesting part of training which was offered here was the Kosher Chef Training. However, since 1986 this type of training is no longer offered because of the shortage of qualified instructors. Although training is the primary task of the School of Catering, members also take part in other activities in Northern Transvaal Command. During the past couple of years there were many highlights in rugby, soccer and potted sport. The School of Catering is currently the potted sport champions in Northern Transvaal Command and they were also unbeaten in 1988 and 1989.
HUIDIGE OPLEIDING BY DIE SPYSENIERSKOOL Met die stigting van die Spysenierskool het opleiding 'n nuwe beslag gekry. Tans word onderrig in die volgende dissiplines aangebied: *Leiergroepopleiding. *Basiese Sjef-opleiding (Staande Mag, Burgermag *Intermediere Sjef-opleiding (Staande Mag, *Gevorderde Sjef-opleiding (Staande Mag, Burgermag en Kommando's). * Spyseniersopleiding (Staande Mag, Burgermag Junior leieropleiding vorm 'n belangrike deel van die opleiding wat by die skool plaasvind. Na voltooiing van die regimentsdiensfase, volg spesialis-sjefopleiding vir 'n verdere twaalf weke waarna lede hoofsaaklik na eenhede in die Republiek (en tot 1989 ook na die operasionele gebied in Suidwes-Afrika) verplaas word. Die kursus bestaan hoofsaaklik uit twee fases: *Tydens die instruksionele fase word vakke soos *Tydens die funksionele fase word studente Alle Staandemag-, Burgermag- en Kom-mandolede van die vier Weermagsdele word ook by die Spysenierskool in spyseniering opgelei. Vier kursusse ten opsigte van sjef-opleiding word aangebied, naamlik Basiese-, Intermediere, en Gevorderde sjef-opleiding. Die mees senior kursuswat aangebied word, is die Spysenierskursus wat hoofsaaklik handel oor bestuursaspekte in spyseniering. 'n Baie interessante deel van opleiding wat aangebied is, was die Kosjer-sjefopleiding. Hierdie kosjer-sjefopleiding word na 1986 nie meer by die Spysenierskool aangebied nie as gevolg van 'n tekort aan gekwalifiseerde instrukteurs. Alhoewel opleiding die primere taak van die Spysenierskool is, neem die lede ook deel aan ander aktiwiteite in Kommandement Noord-Transvaal. Gedurende die afgelope paar jaar is verskeie hoogtepunte in rugby, sokker en bondelsport deur die Spysenierskool aangeteken. Tans is die Spysenierskool die kampioene in Kommandement Noord-Transvaal wat bondelsport betref en hulle was onoorwonne in 1988 en 1989. |
Die samajoor wys hoe dit gedoen moet word... |
THE ADVANCED TRAINING WING The Advanced Training Wing of the School of Catering offered the Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Chef Courses for members of the Permanent Force in 1981. In the same year training of national servicemen as chefs was also started. This wing has expanded considerably during the past eight years. A ration store, four equipped training kitchens which can accommodate twelve students each, as well as a training bakery are part of the structure. The Advanced Wing also offers a course in catering in the field. Here the students are taught how to prepared food without electricity. The following courses are currently offered by the Advanced Wing: *Basic Chef Training. This course is for *Intermediate Chef Course. This course lasts Advanced Chef Course. This course is offered After completion of the course the student must be able to function as a chief chef in the SADF. Members of the Citizen Force and the Commandos also attend the above courses under the same conditions, but their courses only last four weeks. Training for national servicemen also take place here, but only for members of the Junior Leader Course. Candidate officers are trained for positions as club manager in a mess or club. Noncommissioned officers are trained as shift leaders. Both courses include basic chef training and for the candidate officers theoretical courses similar to that on the Intermediate Course for the Permanent Force. The non-commissioned officers do the practical cookery course on the same level as the Permanent Force Intermediate Course. |
DIE GEVORDERDE OPLEIDINGS-VLEUEL Die Gevorderde Opleidingsvleuel van die Spysenierskool het in 1981 die Basiese-, Intermediere- en Gevorderde Sjefskursus vir Staandemaglede aangebied. In dieselfde jaar is sjef-opleiding vir dienspligtiges ook by die Spysenierskool geimplementeer. Die afgelope agt jaar het die vleuel aansienlik uitgebrei. 'n Rantsoenstoor, vier toegeruste opleidingskombuise wat elkeen twaalf studente kan akkommodeer, asook 'n opleidingsbakkery maak deel van die struktuur uit. Spys-te-Velde word ook by die Gevorderde Vleuel aangebied. In hierdie opleidingsfase word studente geleer hoe om sender elektrisiteit, voedsel voor te berei. Die volgende kursusse word tans deur die Gevorderde Vleuel aangebied: * Basiese Sjef-opleiding. Hierdie kursus word * Intermediere Sjefkursus. Hierdie kursus Gevorderde Sjefkursus. Hierdie kursus word Na afloop van die kursus moet die student in staat wees om sy plek as hoofsjef in die SAW te kan volstaan. Lede van die Burgermag en Kommando's doen ook bogenoemde kursusse onder dieselfde voorwaardes, maar hul kursus duur slegs vier weke. DienspHg-opleiding word ook aangebied, en wel vir lede van die Junior Leierskursus. Kandidaat-offisiere word onderrig om sy plek as klubbestuurder in 'n menasie of klub vol te staan. Onder-offisiere word as skofleiers opgelei. Altwee kursusse word aan basiese sjef-opleiding onderwerp waarna die kandidaat-offisiere teoretiese vakke soortgelyk aan die Staande Mag Intermediere Kursus doen. Die Onder-offisiere doen praktiese kookkuns op die Staande Mag Intermediere vlak. |
Freshly baked bread hot from the oven...
ACTIVITIES OF THE SA CATERING CORPS The SA Catering Corps not only have to provide food on a daily basis to the soldiers, but it also caters at formal dinners, functions and other similar occasions. The Cookery Wing for instance had to cater at 92 functions and 116 formal dinners in 1974. Because catering is the primary function of the Corps, such functions are successfully handled. In co-operation with the CSIR balanced diets are provided by means of scientifically determined ration scales. There are specific ration scales for: *White, Coloured and Asian men. *Kosher Jews. *Different ethnic groups. *Crew for maritime aircraft. *Prisoners of War. *Ships' crews. *Submarine crews, and *Vegetarians. The provision of food is continuously improving and food supplied to soldiers is subject to the strict specifications of the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) and the Director of State Purchases. As a result of the swift development of technology after the war, the provision of food had to be revised and caterers were subjected to tremendous adjustments. Examples of such adjustments are: *In providing food on board a submarine, the *The caterer has to work with containers of One of the first and most important historical moment for the SADF's catering services was the State Banquet held in honour of the retiring State President, Mr J.J. Fouche, in Stellenbosch in April 1976. This State Banquet for about 760 guests was organised and catered for by a combined catering organisation consisting of 20 chefs and 200 waiters under command of a group of catering officers of the SA Army, the SA Air Force and the SA Navy. The School of Catering as a unit also received the freedom of the city of Pretoria in May 1989.
WERKSAAMHEDE VAN DIE SA SPYSENIERSKORPS Die SA Spysenierskorps moet nie net daagliks kos aan soldate voorsien nie, maar word ook gebruik vir spyseniering by formele etes, funksies en ander geleenthede. Die Kookkunsvleuel het byvoorbeeld in 1974 by 92 geleenthede en 116 formele etes die spyseniering behartig. Omdat spyseniering die primere doel van die Korps is, word talle funksies suksesvol aangebied. In samewerking met die WNNR word daar deur middel van wetenskaplike rantsoenskale voorsiening gemaak vir gebalanseerde die'te. Daar bestaan reeds sekere rantsoenskale vir: *Blanke, Kleurling- en Indiermans. *Kosjer Jode. *Verskillende etniese groepe. *Bemannings van maritieme vliegtuie. *Krygsgevangenes. *Skeepspersoneel. *Duikbootbemanning en *Vegetariers. Voeding het steeds verbeter en voedselware wat aan soldate voorsien word, is onderworpe aan die streng spesifikasies soos neergele deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Euro vir Standaarde (SABS) en die Direkteur van Staatsaankope. Met die snel ontwikkelde tegnologie na die oorlog moes nie net die verskaffing van voedsel hersien word nie, maar spyseniers is ook aan geweldige aanpassings onderwerp. Twee voorbeelde van sodanige aanpassings word uitgelig: *Die spysenier moes byvoorbeeld by die *Die spysenier het ook te doen gekry met Een van die eerste en grootste historiese oomblikke vir die SAW se spyseniersdienste was die Staatsbanket wat gedurende April 1976 op Stellenbosch ter ere van mnr J.J. Fouche, die uittredende Staatspresident, aangebied is. Hierdie Staatsbanket vir ongeveer 760 gaste is georganiseer en gespyseneer deur 'n gekombineerde spyseniersdienste-organisasie bestaande uit 20 sjefs en 200 kelners onder beheer van 'n groep spyseniersoffisiere van die SA Leer, SA Lugmag en SAVloot. Die Spysenierskool het as eenheid ook gedurende Mei 1989 die vryheid van die stad van Pretoria ontvang. |
CHEF OF THE YEAR COMPETITION The SA Army's Chef of the Year competition is one of the highlights of the SA Catering Corps's programme for the year. The first SA Army and SADF Chef of the Year Competition took place in 1984. The aim of the SA Army Chef of the Year Competition is to identify the Army's Chef of the Year each year who then takes part in the SADF Chef of the Year competition. A further aim is to enhance the image of the SA Army's chefs and to motivate them to higher productivity and efficiency. Each Command and Formation get the opportunity to identify their best Permanent Force and Military Service chef by means of a Command or Formation competition. The judging of this competition takes place on the same basis as the final SA Army Chef of the Year Competition. The winners in the Permanent Force and Military Service competition on Command and Formation level go through to the SA Army Chef of the Year Competition in which 250 man mobile field kitchens were used until 1989. Since then it takes the form of a reception course at the School of Catering. During this course members undergo a theoretical phase in the handling of a reception. Every member also gets a task in terms of a specific reception which has to be planned and the practical part of the examination also serves as the Chef's competition. An outline menu is given to the students in advance and 24 hours before the start of the examination, they receive a list of the ingredients they may use. From this information they then have to prepare a detailed menu. The preparation of the dishes takes place under training kitchen conditions. The winner of the Permanent Force division go through to the SADF Chef of the Year Competition where the four Arms of the Service and Special Forces compete against each other to identify the best chef in the SADF. The SADF Chef of the Year Competition still takes place on the 250 man mobile field kitchens. The Military Service competition, which is only offered by the Army, took place for the first time on 250 man mobile field kitchens in 1989. In 1990 this competition however took place under the same conditions as the Permanent Force competition. The SA Army Chef of the Year Competition is sponsored by the South African Dry Fruit Cooperation and the SADF Competition by the Southern Sun Hotel Group. |
SJEF VAN DIE JAAR-KOMPETISIE Die SA Leer Sjef van die Jaar-kompetisie is een van die hoogtepunte in die SA Spysenierskorps se jaarprogram. Die eerste SA Leer en SAW Sjef van die Jaar-kompetisies het in 1984 plaasgevind. Die doel van die SA Leer Sjef van die Jaar-kompetisie is om die Sjef van die Jaar in die SA Leer aan te wys. Hierdie sjef dring dan na die SAW Sjef van die Jaar-kompetisie deur. Die kompetisie word verder ook aangebied, om die beeld van die sjef in die SA Leer uit te bou en te verbeter en ook om sjefs in die proses tot hoer produktiwiteit en doeltreffendheid aan te moedig. Elke Kommandement en Formasie kry die geleentheid om deur middel van 'n Kom-mandements/Formasie-kompetisie die beste Staandemag- en dienspligsjef per Kommande-ment/Formasie aan te wys. Die beoordeling van hierdie uitdunne vind op dieselfde gronslag as die Finale SA Leer Sjef van die Jaar-kompetisie plaas. Die wenners in hierdie Staandemag- en dienspligkompetisies dring deur na die SA Leer Sjef van die Jaar-kompetisie wat tot 1988 altyd op 250 man mobiele veldkombuise plaasgevind het. Vanaf 1989 word dit in die vorm van 'n onthaalkursus by die Spysenierskool aangebied. Tydens hierdie kursus ondergaan die lede 'n teoretiese fase in onthaalkuns. Hike lid kry ook 'n taakopdrag ten opsigte van 'n spesifieke onthaal wat beplan moet word en die praktiese eksamen van die kursus dien dan terselfdertyd as die Sjefkompetisie. 'n Sleutelspyskaart word voor die tyd aan die studente gegee en 24 uur voor die aanvang van die eksamen ontvang hulle 'n lys van die bestanddele wat hulle mag gebruik. Uit hierdie gegewens moet elkeen dan 'n detail-spyskaart opstel. Die geregte word onder opleidingskombuis-omstandighede voorberei. Die wenner van die Staandemagafdeling dring deur na die SAW Sjef van die Jaar-kompetisie waar die vier Weermagsdele en Spesiale Magte met mekaar meeding om die beste sjef in die SAW aan te wys. Die SAW kompetisie vind steeds op 250 man mobiele veldkombuise plaas. Die dienspligkompetisie wat slegs deur die SA Leer aangebied word, het in 1989 vir die eerste keer plaasgevind en wel op 250 man mobiele veldkombuise. In 1990 het hierdie kompetisie egter onder dieselfde omstandighede as die Staandemagkompetisie plaasgevind. Die SA Leerkompetisie word deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Droevrugte Kooperasie geborg en die SAW kompetisie deur Southern Sun Hotelgroep. |