Russian Artifice on SA Spes Forces
Submitted by Arthur Jacobs
Russian Artifice on SA Spes Forces.
South African Special Forces have no equals
In June 1984 the South African port city of Cape Town held a secret meeting, attended by U.S. Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Mr. Crocker, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Africa Pieter Botha and George Savimbi, leader of the National Union for Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). It was after this secret meeting with SA intelligence UNITA has stepped up armed struggle against Angola.
The attack on the Soviet ships
In the first place South African security forces have decided to cut the sea channels of military and other supplies to Angola from the Soviet Union and Cuba. A major port Namib, near the city of Menongue has been attacked. That's where the South African frogmen attacked first Soviet ships.
By the summer of 1986 the Angolan government troops came into operation in the province of Moxico. A base for offensive was the city connected with the port Namib by railway. At the same time to the port arrived three ships to supply offensive: at the beginning of June the Cuban vessel "Havana" with a cargo of food and equipment, and the Soviet cargo ships "Captain Chirkov" and "Captain Vislobokov." On shipboards was about 20 thousand of ammunition.
In the evening 5 June just hours before the arrival of "Captain Vislobokov" in the roads of Namib suddenly appeared dilapidated trawler under the Japanese flag. The next morning she quietly disappeared. Early in the morning powerful explosions occurred on the Cuban and Soviet ships and later bombs exploded on the fuel base "Sonagol."
Many years later the author learned the details of this diversion during his trip to South Africa from four directly involved in this operation participants. But let us speak about this meeting later.
The trawler "Japanese" delivered to the port three groups of frogmen-saboteurs, six people each, with full equipment. Late at night they went under the water to their targets. The first group was to destroy the Soviet and Cuban transports, and the second, apparently, was to blow up a railway bridge, cutting off communication with the port and the third, having made almost four miles under water, came to the shore fuel base "Sonagol." There it installed five RPG-5 with self-killers, targeting the fuel tanks and pumping stations. At 5 am one after the other three explosions occurred on "Captain Vislobokov." Fortunately, there were no casualties. It is surprising that no ammunition detonated.
Along with the explosion on "Vislobokov" thundered volleys of grenades at the fuel base "Sonagol." Four fuel tanks and pumping stations were destroyed. Mines also exploded under the transmission towers and on the railroad. Lights went out in the city and transport service with the port was interrupted.
Soon came the turn of "Chirkov": onboard blew up three out of four minutes. Her team, being helping the crew of "Vislobokov" rushed to save her own ship. Fortunately, there were no injuries, no ammunition detonated. If this had happened on both transports the port was completely ruined. The least fortunate was "Havana": all four installed mines played havoc with the bottom and by 10 am the boat overturned. The crew had time to evacuate. Soviet sailors managed to keep their "two captains" afloat. By order of the then Premier Ryzhkov (Supreme Commander in Chief Gorbachev was at this time in Poland), the Navy immediately sent to the port of Namib a group of Soviet military specialists. Black Sea Fleet airlifted in Angola a group of frogmen. They were assigned the task to ensure the safety of our ships during repair work and at the same time to remove unexploded mines found, defused them and determine whose they were . How rescued "two captains"
By the detachment of Soviet frogmen who arrived in Angola late in the evening on June 8 commanded 2nd Rank Captain Yuriy Plyachenko. He was the first to go under the water and look at the remaining mines that were attached to the bottoms of our freighters. Then he gave the order to collect the remnants of exploded ships. For two days the ships unloaded ammunition. The mines were made of titanium alloy. It was very high-tech production. Their inventors did their best to defuse the mines was not possible. I had to look for unconventional ways. One of the mines was neutralized by small counter explosion. It broke away from the hull and exploded on the ground. But to defuse the second mine they had to spend 36 days. Surprisingly, a little seashell helped the frogmen. It somehow blocked the pin, which activated an explosive mechanism. It was impossible to establish who has assembled the mine: the parts were from different countries - Japan, England and Holland. The found only “DD" marking and serial number 13 on the mine.
On August 27 renovated "Captain Chirkov" arrived in Odessa and "Captain Vislobokov" after repairs in Luanda headed for Spain. For the results of the unprecedented operation three officers from Plyachenko’s group have been awarded the Red Star, and the rest - with medals "For Distinction in Military Service." The sunken in the harbor "Havana", in the holds of which remained a large number of projectiles caliber 162 mm was surfaced by the Cuban team of rescuers in the spring 1989. But then it was decided not to restore the ship it was dangerous because of the possibility of detonation of munitions. "Havana" was taken far out to sea and sunk. Immediately after the attack an international scandal burst out. South Africa categorically denied any involvement in the sabotage. A little later, our investigation found that the operation was carried out the men of the fourth unit of "Rekkiz" commandos, specializing in maritime operations based in Langebane (Cape Province). They came to the area of Luanda on a "Daphne" submarine and using light diving equipment, entered the harbor and mined the ships. According to some reports, the saboteurs used equipment obtained from the Italian "Space" company and delivered via Israel.
After the attack it was decided to put frogmen on those ships that call at African ports. Special Forces "closed book"
Special units of the armed forces of South Africa are among the least known and most private in the world. Their training, application, activities and operations remained secret for many years. This is explained by the fact that South Africa as a state of "apartheid" a long time was in international isolation and military ties of the South African Defense Force (SADF) with other countries was limited. Meanwhile, perhaps because of this isolation and lack of real military aid from the outside and uninterrupted war in the armed forces of South Africa appeared unique special units, notably reconnaissance commandos. They were a deeply specialized reconnaissance and sabotage units capable for a long time to act in isolation from the main forces in the enemy’s territory often relying only on ourselves. Commandos of the Defense Force of South Africa not only developed their own extremely effective and "ruthless" system of selection and training but also enriched tactics by specific techniques and modes of action. From a professional point of view, their experience is invaluable and unique.
For more than twenty years since its foundation the SA reconnaissance commandos were on full alert, they had dozens of secret special operations in the territory and coastal waters of Angola, Namibia, Mozambique, Tanzania and other African countries, and at the same time they remained deep secret. Among the units of special forces of South Africa stands 4th (naval) recon commandos. Famous French frogmen detachment of "Hubert", Israeli naval commandos from "Shayetet-13", and the U.S. SEAL could be proud of many of the operations carried out by its soldiers. SA frogmen are the oldest formal unit among the special forces of South Africa. It is believed that they trace their history in 1941 with the founding of the Naval School of Diving in the port city of Cape Town. The school staff trained specialists for South African Navy rescue service who took part in the hostilities of World War II. Divers of the South African Navy participated in some operations of allied forces in the Mediterranean region. However, after the end of the war SA units of naval divers were disbanded "as unnecessary." The service came almost in full decline and by early 1955 the Navy had only one skilled frogman.
The beginning of the revival of units of the South African Navy divers dates to September 1955, when South Africa organized the first in the first postwar period courses of Navy divers. July 1, 1957 in the city of Simons Town was re-opened diving school with a staff of 5 people and a small set of equipment that was constantly replenished.
Formally, the Special Forces of the SA Defense Force were created October 1, 1972 based on an infantry school in Oudtshoorn. There the three officers who had experience in conducting special operations in Namibia and Rhodesia, have formed the first special group, which was later known as the 1st recon commandos (1-st Reconnaissance Commando) or abbreviated Recce.
As later recalled one of the founders of the South African Special Forces Jan Breytenbah, military commanders faced with great difficulties. The fact is that since the establishment of Special Forces in the SA Army, it has been given "a very high standard", i.e. they formulated very high demands to future soldiers of Special Forces. In this case, the command of Special Forces has operated up to principle: it is better to train a reliable combat swimmer from the experienced scout or paratrooper than the outstanding rescue swimmer turn into a mediocre frogman.
As a result in 1977 was formed 4-th Reconnaissance Commando, whose task was the preparation and conduct of marine special operations, including for the organization of sabotage in the neighboring countries through which passed supplies from the Soviet Union and Cuba with arms, military equipment and food for Angolan Army (MPLA), the 40 000 Cuban Expeditionary Force, and the ANC structures ("Umkhonto we Sizwe" - "Spear of the Nation"). In addition, the group was charged with reconnoitering of the Angolan Navy and the group of Soviet warships in the ports of Angola and Mozambique and supplying weapons and special means for "special operations" to armed opposition in Angola and Mozambique (UVITA and RENAMO),. The base was located in Langebaane on the west coast of South Africa, near Cape Town. Marine commandos had at their disposal high-speed vessels and rubber boats. In the absence of training experience and the relevant personnel at that time the group was formed gradually. Fully it took shape in the early 80's, having in its composition combat units capable of performing secret amphibious operations, several groups of frogmen-saboteurs, the training center and maintenance unit. Of all the Special Forces these commandos were the most closed in terms of structure, size, practical use, training and special operations.
In 1995 within the South African National Defense Force was created a special purposes brigade based on the commando reconnaissance units. It included the best airmobile and underwater commando units of ex-Special Forces in South Africa. Particular attention was paid to the naval commandos - one of the most unique and effective among reconnaissance commando of SA Defense Force, accounting for dozens of successful and still not declassified operations off the coast of Angola, Mozambique and even Tanzania.
Selection and training of SA naval commandos
All potential recruits are volunteers. SA commandos accepted only those who have passed the strictest initial selection, medical examination and psychological tests, tests on the "program of the armed forces" and, of course, a swimming test. Only then began the most important: a multistep process of physical and psychological screening in conditions close to the field. Tests on the "program of the armed forces" are fairly trivial tests that had to go through all the candidates to the Army and marine commandos.
Up to 30 percent of candidates are eliminated at the preliminary stage. The rest of them are granted the status of "special purpose units a receptee". To achieve the status of "special purpose units rookie" and then "special purpose units operator ", ie a full-fledged Special Forces soldier, they have to go through a multi-course qualifying, and then through no less difficult a special course.
The first stage of selection, which is one of the most complicated in comparison with similar groups in the world, lasts three days and includes heavy march-throws and overcoming of water obstacles. Physical activity is such that not everyone is able to withstand them. It "shakes the whole soul" from the rookie, as the saying goes. Those who passed up it to the end described it as "ruthless test."
All the candidates who passed the preliminary stage again shall undergo very high in comparison with the requirements of the Army physical fitness assessment. They must manage in six hour to overcome the 30-kilometer race in full equipment: with the standard rifle ammunition, camouflage clothing and regular 30-pound backpack, usually full of sand.
Then 45 minutes to run an 8-kilometer distance, carrying a full-time rifle. Also, wrung from the floor with their fists at least 40 times, 8 times to catch up on the bar and do not less than 75 sit-ups without a break. And in the end of the test swim 50 meters without crediting time.
The emphasis is on psychological training. During a special test several people subject the candidates to "cross examine". And since South Africa's historically a very painful issue is the relationship of people with different skin colors, psychological compatibility of different races receive special attention. Questions can be different from the innocuous ("Do you love your children and your parents?", "Are you afraid of the dark?") and frankly provocative, "How would you react to what your family had a child with different skin color?", "Would you rescue a drowning man if he is suspected in a bloody murder?" etc. The purpose of these tests is creating a real psychological portrait of the candidate.
How hard it was to pass a training course, says the following fact: after a successful qualifying courses conducted from three hundred and twenty candidates remained twenty-nine. Of these, more than half were not citizens of South Africa, but many were from other elite units for special purposes, in particular, from Rhodesia. This is followed by a two-week phase, during which the candidate performs the exercises and firing practice. This stage is replaced by a two-week orientation course in the desert. Despite the fact that during this phase, the candidate undergoes a real risk of dying from the bite of venomous snakes, in the claws of wild animals, in the jaws of a crocodile or a shark (a lot of cases observed), the main task of the test is to test the ability of the candidate to navigate in extreme conditions.
This is followed by stage, called "Bushkraft", that is learning the fighting in the bush (the bush of Africa). During learning the movement in the savanna, methods of concealment and ambushes they constantly screen candidates. However, at this stage has already begun training. After two weeks, they get weapons and start learning how to kill a bull or a lion, how to catch a snake. They are taught to seek out and foul the trail, guided by a map and without it, to withstand attack of a shark or to escape from a crocodile. Candidates who have undergone this not quite the usual training enter into a contract for three years. Most of them serve two terms.
The descendants of the Boers
Another special unit of South Africa not as widely known as SAS or "Alpha", "Green Berets" or DELTA is RECCE, a special intelligence unit of South Africa. It obtained the highest level of training and also has very good results for tasks behind enemy lines during the fighting.
One of the first major RECCE’s diversions is the operation code-named "Savannah" with 18 commandos. They seriously damaged in several places the railway on which the ore was transported from Zaire to Angola. To accomplish this task the force was divided into three groups of six people each. After the assignment, each group independently emerged in the area of evacuation. One of them was ambushed by Cuban troops, one commando was killed and three wounded. However, none of the RECCE men was captured. Departing from the chase the commandos walked more than 170 kilometers of desert and jungle and had been successfully evacuated. Later, when Cuban pilots entered into the war the RECCE soldiers began to take missiles "Stinger" on them. Very often they set up ambushes near aerodromes, which based Angolan aircraft. Once they managed to shoot down on the rise two MiG in a row. But they could not fix success because of the organized search for saboteurs. Here, however, the men went to the trick. The fact is that in the group there were only black scouts, even though it was rare for Special Forces in South Africa. Dressed in the form of the enemy they hid the launchers and took part in their own quest. The team that goes to the operations consists of from two to twelve people. As a rule, the duration of the operation is from two days to several weeks. In the history of the group was a case where in Angola, one group of eight people acted in the rear about two months and completely autonomous. The group not only carried out reconnaissance and corrected artillery strikes, but also set industrial sabotage and fought against the enemy. Very high in disguise training enables it to act occasionally in a few dozen meters from the enemy and remain undetected. Often the fighters disguised themselves in the form of enemy soldiers.
By the way, the RECCE soldiers had to fight against the regular army of Angola, trained by Soviet specialists, and with the Cuban military units. It also fought against a group of North Korean Special Forces. It is known that one of the "meetings" with them took place in 1987 in the valley of Kambia. The SA group faced with fifteen Koreans. Subsequently, one of the former RECCE fighters recalled "All decide seconds: who will react faster and open fire. As a result, Koreans lost eight men killed, and we are only two. However, the group was "blown up" and we had to hastily retreat." At the end of the last century the staffing structure and the number of the RECCE units has changed. Based on them have been deployed reconnaissance regiments. Later they had been transformed into a parachute brigade. They are now united in a brigade of special purpose, but each of its member regiment has its original trend. In particular, the motto of a regiment "We do not fear anyone except God" has not changed since the foundation of RECCE.
Published on the website "Russian Newspaper" December 10, 2011 |